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Ever Felt Like Your Past Was Keeping You From Being The Woman God Intended? 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

What would you say if someone asked you to describe yourself?

Society has taught us to define ourselves based on our past experiences, background, financial status, marital status, and career.

Most of us define ourselves based on our upbringing. The past, particularly past hurts, should not define us. We went through those experiences in order to become better versions of ourselves. There is purpose in our pain.  Whatever mistake, failure, trouble, trial, or bad decision experienced. God will use it for our benefit. And we can utilize our knowledge to help others.

If your prior experiences are negatively defining you, it’s time to change that. Why is this important?

The Past will hinder you from moving ahead

Defining oneself based on past events can keep you from progressing in life. You will constantly identify specific situations with what you have gone through in the past, which will prevent you from being the person God intended you to be.

You are a Victor, not a Victim

When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you became a new creation. You are no longer a victim of your circumstances, but rather a victor. Whatever happened in the past has no power over you now. Begin living triumphantly. The enemy wants you to live in cycles, so he will constantly remind you of the Past. But don’t let him use the Past to victimize you because you’re no longer a victim. You are now a conqueror because of Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross. The Past has no hold on you.

You are who God says you are

When all is said and done, you are exactly who God says you are. People may have called you different names or assigned you different labels, but that does not mean they are correct. Go through the Bible and see what God says about you. God made you, thus He is aware of who you are. Ask God to heal you from your past and reveal who you are in Christ.

It may take longer to comprehend who you are in Christ, but you will eventually arrive at a point when you know and live according to your actual identity. The enemy may try to deceive you, but do not believe him. He is a father of deception.

Allow God’s Word to be the standard by which you measure yourself and your actions. Continue to read and meditate on the Word so that you don’t lose sight of your genuine identity.

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How to Develop The Right Money Mindset As A Woman of Faith 

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)

When people talk about money, what comes to mind?

Do you believe that wealth is evil or that wealthy people are not spiritual because they are wealthy? Do you believe that wealth is a limited resource that should be possessed in abundance by a select few people? Or do you use money as a tool to achieve your goals in life? Is it something you have plenty of access to? Do you envision yourself as wealthy despite the fact that you are a true child of God?

Well, society and our parents have instilled in most of us negative and positive ideas about money. Even when you have a lot of money, you can still be devoted to your relationship with Jesus because money is not sinful. However, you must adopt the proper financial mindset.

If you have the wrong mindset about money, here’s how to change it:

Study Bible Verses about Money

Most people, particularly Christians, believe that money is evil because they have misinterpreted scripture. That is why it is critical to understand what the Bible says about it. Money is not inherently evil. We use it to help others, pay tithes, and pay our bills, so it is not evil; however, the love of money is.

The Bible is clear. You cannot love both money and God; you must make a choice. When you love money, you will do anything good or evil to obtain it. Money should not have power over you because it is merely a medium of exchange. However, we should not pretend that money isn’t important because it is. Most transactions necessitate the exchange of money, so labeling money as evil is insufficient.

Job was both wealthy and spiritual. When all was taken from him by the devil including his wealth and children, Job did not turn away from God. So having money will not make you less spiritual unless you allow it to corrupt your thinking.

Create Money Goals

Aren’t you sick of being broke or living paycheck to paycheck?
There’s nothing sacred about being broke. In reality, some impoverished individuals worship money. All they can think about is money and where they can acquire some so they can stop being broke. Money is a god in their lives.

Creating money goals can help you see money as a tool or medium that you utilize on a daily basis to attain other goals in life. Aside from paying expenses and enjoying pleasure, you may utilize money to help the underprivileged, clergy expand their ministries or churches, and improve society. When we have money, we can do so many wonderful things for God’s Kingdom.

Overall, if we remember Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” you’ll have no trouble developing a positive financial mindset.

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How to Deal With Distractions in Today’s World 

Do you currently have a distraction that keeps you from your God-given mission and devotional time?

Many times we get distracted by things that don’t bring us any value. In today’s world, it has become increasingly difficult to focus on what is meaningful. It can be challenging to sit still, listen intently, and think clearly. Technology and other forms of entertainment and nonsense are more appealing to us. Many people find themselves getting sidetracked by things like excessive television viewing, routines, relationships, work/career, hobbies, social media/technology, and so on.

If not taken seriously, distractions will prevent you from being the person God wants you to be. It is one of the tools the enemy use to take the benefits from God’s people and to trap them in a vicious circle of confusion, failure, and loss. Distraction fundamentally affects how you interact with others and carry out your duties as a woman of faith.

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV)

What is the best way to handle distractions then?

Accept Responsibility

Blaming other people and things for taking our time will not help.
However, it is better to accept full responsibility for our actions. It will assist you in planning your next step and saving time. Instead of blaming the existence of social media platforms, we can choose to limit the amount of time we spend on them.

Create New Habits

Creating new habits will assist you in becoming less distracted and more productive. It’s fine to write down new habits, but make sure you put them into action. Habits are small things that you do on a daily basis, so don’t put them off. You don’t have to form a slew of new habits all at once. Begin with something simple, such as not opening social media pages on your laptop until you complete that project. The more you practice, the better you will become, which will boost your confidence.

Depend on God

This is the most crucial point because when you rely on God, He will precisely teach you what new habits to form, what not to watch on television, what not to respond to on social media, and so on. He will even show you which duties you should take on right away and which can wait until later. Relying on God will activate your discernment, and you will be able to recognize what is and isn’t worth your time. Any form of distraction God would immediately let you know. See our article on How to Let the Holy Spirit Lead Your Life to help you in the areas of being led by God.

Finally, take command, begin being purposeful about productivity, and focus on the tasks set before you by our heavenly Father.

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How to Stop Self-Sabotaging As A Woman of Faith 

The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters,but one who has insight draws them out. -Proverbs 20:5 (NIV)
In this world, there are two kinds of people. Those who live purposefully and those who sabotage their own lives. Unfortunately, the bulk are among those that sabotage their achievement. Many individuals would rather be comfortable and suffer than be happy and put themselves out there.

But why is that?

Fear of failure: Some people sabotage their own efforts because they dread failure and the embarrassment they feel it may bring.

Fear of Success: Others sabotage every new opportunity that comes their way because they are afraid of the adjustments and responsibilities that come with success.

It’s human nature to remain in our comfort zones, even when we’re struggling. We place a higher value on our security and relationships than on what we can do for the Kingdom of God. If we are being honest, self-sabotage is the result of pride, and God hates pride. It is critical to put God above self by being obedient, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. We should exalt God rather than ourselves.

Until you begin living out your purpose, you will never know the wonderful things that God has in store for you. So, use the steps outlined in this article as a guide to help you stop self-sabotaging.

Identify the Root Cause

First, we must pinpoint the source of self-sabotage. Because people sabotage themselves for a variety of reasons, you must first understand why you sabotage yourself in order to properly address the issue. Make a list of the things that are prompting you to be hesitant. Be honest with yourself. Give your list to God and ask him to help you deal with your concerns.

Stop Trying To Fit In

You were not created to blend in; you were created to stand out. To overcome self-sabotage, you must quit trying to fit in. Be the person God intends for you to be. People could immediately perceive that Jesus was different from the teachers of the law because he stood out so much from the rest of the crowd. Jesus did what pleased God, not what was popular. Instead of striving to fit in, be like Jesus and accomplish what your heavenly Father desires. Everyone will not love you, and this is something you must accept.

Trust God with your Life

We sometimes worry that God’s benefits are only momentary, that God will take them away or that the enemy would steal them for us. As a result, we don’t pursue our aspirations, and we hoard our money rather than live by faith.

Yes, you will fail at times, and the adversary is constantly attempting to steal our benefits, but God is with you, therefore you will succeed. Stop thinking about what can go wrong and start thinking about what Jesus can do. Nothing is impossible with Him on your side.

Here’s to living your life with a sense of purpose!

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Secular Manifestation, Girl-Bossing, and the Christian Community Oh My! 

We’ve had the honor of interviewing some amazing God-fearing women. These women exude faith, wisdom, purpose, and power (the power of God). Tara Sun, a popular podcast host and author, is one of those women. Through her Truth Talks with Tara podcast, Instagram community, and other resources, she passionately teaches women of all ages how to know, love, and live God’s Word for themselves. Tara shows how to break down God’s Word into understandable pieces, while also adding an artistic flare through her digital art. 

We had a great interview in which Tara discussed several key topics from her book, Surrender Your Story: Ditch the Myth of Control and Discover Freedom in Trusting God (Thomas Nelson, March 7 2023) as well as how secular manifestation and “girl-bossing” are harming us as a society and as Christians.

We’d like to share Tara’s perspective on girl bossing and secular manifestation with you because we’ve all had or know someone who has had one of these mentalities (girl bossing or secular manifestation) because it seemed harmless at the time. We hope that this piece prompts you to consider where you are as a woman of faith and whether you are glorifying God or self.

So, this is the question we asked Tara about girl-bossing and secular manifestation:

Tell us about secular manifestation and girl bossing, and how it harms us as a society and as followers of Christ.

The idea of manifestation and girl-bossing seems harmless, but it is seriously dangerous to our souls. I can’t tell you how many people, not to mention Christian individuals, I have seen swept up in this trend. It may seem like not that big of a deal – like what’s the harm in focusing on positive things and desiring those things to come to pass in our lives? Well, the problem is that it sets us up as our own god. It completely disregards God, His power, and His will. It positions us as lord over our lives, when there is only one Lord. Not only does manifestation open us up to forces against God, it deeply affects our relationship with God. To the one who follows God but also feels pulled to this secular belief, I would encourage you to remind yourself of the gospel – plain and simple. Ephesians 2 tells us that it is by grace we have been saved, and it is of no work of ourselves. That alone reminds us that we have no power to attract anything to us. That alone reminds us that we live under the grace and provision of God alone. God is in control, and we are not – and that’s actually beautiful news.

What is your perspective on girl-bossing or secular manifestation ? Leave a comment to let us know.

To read the entire interview, Popular Podcast Host Tara Sun on the Freedom of Letting Go and Surrendering to God (click here.)

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The Discovery of Her Husband’s Pornography Addiction Devastated Her, but God Healed the Marriage,... 

It is devastating to find out your husband is addicted to pornography, especially when he’s in the ministry and you think you have a good marriage. We had been married 17 years, had three children and he was the worship pastor of our church when I found out that he had been secretly viewing pornography our entire marriage. And that sexual addiction had led to a string of sexual encounters.

In the devastation of his exposure, I wondered what I should do. So much of my identity was in trying to be the perfect Christian, the good example, and working for people’s approval. Now my life seemed to be falling apart. Was this the end of our marriage?

We immediately began meeting with a counselor and seeking recovery and restoration. I knew I still loved this man, that we had a history together, a family, a relationship, and I didn’t want to give up on that. I decided to stay and see what God had in store for us.

In addition to healing us and our marriage, we found He also wanted to use our story in other ways. One night a friend called in tears, telling me that her husband had an affair, and that she just needed to talk. I felt like God’s hand was in this. He wanted us to use our experience to help others. If I can help someone by being there for them and listening, that is valuable. I don’t have to have all the answers. Hurting people need to vent; they need a loving ear. They need someone to walk them through this valley. When someone just listens, it helps the healing. Sometimes, it’s hard to feel safe asking for help, even within our churches. Many church leaders don’t feel equipped to help their people through issues like ours.

We started a ministry called Awaken, to help people impacted by sexual brokenness. We seek to help through support groups, therapeutic retreats, coaching, working with ministry leaders, and giving referrals for professional help. We offer connection to a community of people going through the same struggles. We love them and listen.

The problems caused by porn and sexual addiction affects marriages, families, and churches, and we have to address it. Helping people and making a difference in their lives helps us remember that what we walked through was worth it all.

Story provided by, a ministry that shows how Christians live out their faith in unique ways.

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Marilyn Jones, Woman of Faith and Queen of Scents 

It’s true. The sense of smell captures memories in ways that have enchanted us for years. According to many scientists and researchers, your olfactory senses go directly to the part of your brain that processes emotions. That is not only a scientific fact, it’s God’s design at work. Take a moment and remember a special fragrance from your life as we reflect on this beautiful testimony of Marilyn Jones, and how God used a bittersweet memory from her life to bring blessings all around. 

Now a successful entrepreneur and owner of B Fragranced, Marilyn reflects on her testimony with this scripture: 

“And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” 1 Corinthians 2:15 NIV

In his letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul talks of how he came to preach the word of God and demonstrate the Power of the Spirit. Paul certainly went through some very un-glamorous times which tested much of his strength and courage in the Lord. It is only fitting that Marilyn chooses this quote to sum up these verses: 

“God Doesn’t Call the Qualified; He Qualifies the Called”

When Marilyn was only 5 years old, her mother lost her battle with cancer. As she grew up in west Chicago, she was able to hold her mother’s sweet fragrance in her memory. It is this lasting memory that blossomed into what Marilyn calls, “a passion and zeal to create my own fragrance.”

Marilyn points to God as the only one who could have opened all the doors that lead to her success. She says, “I have walked in rooms with CEO’s that I know for certain it was nothing but the favor of God that they even put time on their calendar to speak with me.” The mysterious and wonderful ways of God placed favor on Marilyn as He led her into the light of success in the business world. Her fragrance creation has been sought out by CEOs from top companies like Walmart and even the Hard Rock Casino. 

With a glad heart, Marilyn has shared her testimony of how God can take pain of loss and transform it into joy through a woman owned fragrance company. Not only does her story teach others how to have faith and find favor in the Lord, but how to embrace your roll in the body of Christ—even the nose that smells is just as important as the eyes that see, just like Jesus said: 

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” —1 Corinthians 12:27 NIV

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Popular Podcast Host Tara Sun on the Freedom of Letting Go and Surrendering to God 

For a long time, popular podcaster, Tara Sun tried controlling her own life, until one day she heard the audible voice of God say, “You aren’t supposed to be here.” Just like the rest of us, Tara was determined to salvage her life’s plan because she thought she knew better than God. But like everyone else who has tried to white- knuckle their way to self-fulfillment, Tara discovered what lies on the other side: frustration, disappointment and exhaustion when life doesn’t go our way. “Friends, I really thought I had it all “figured out,” Sun says. “The blueprint I had designed for my life was simple and clear (or so I thought). Just like most of my life thus far, I would cruise through college on track to become a doctor. Now, although that’s not a bad goal, my grasp on my future and how I wanted my life to pan out was tight and deathly.”

After hearing the audible voice of God tell her, “You are not supposed to be here,” everything came to a screeching halt. This event forced Sun to confront the reality that she wasn’t in control and that her plans weren’t the best for her life – God’s were.

In her new book, Surrender Your Story: Ditch the Myth of Control and Discover Freedom in Trusting God (Thomas Nelson, March 7 2023), Tara takes readers on her journey of discovering the antidote to the burdensome and ultimately empty myth of control: surrendering to the God who cares for us and has an infinitely better blueprint for our lives – filled with the joy, peace and meaning we’ve been searching for. 

Below, the popular podcast host and author talks about her journey, trusting God, her upcoming book and how secular manifestation and “girl-boss-ing” is actually hurting us as a society and as followers of Christ.

What is it like to walk through a chronic illness and still believe God is good?

Anyone who has ever gone through a chronic illness, hardship, or difficult circumstance has thought at one point or another, “Is God really good?” When a wrench is thrown into our plans, we’re faced with a choice – to believe one of two things: if God is our God or if our circumstances are our god. The enemy of our souls would like nothing more than to trick us into believing that a hard time equals a bad God. The enemy of our souls would like nothing more than to tell us that God is unloving and unkind when our circumstances are tiresome. But here’s the truth. God is good even when our circumstances are not. It’s not because of Him that we deal with trials and tribulations – it is because of the fallen world and the sin that wrought it. But thanks be to God who sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem us from a broken world. And because of that, we have a God who does not waste the illnesses, brokenness, and difficulties of our lives. Walking with God does not erase the difficulties, but it makes the burdens of life lighter and more hopeful (Matthew 11:28-30). Walking through chronic illness and hardships and still believing God is good is a result of having an eternal lens in which we see the world. Ask God to give you His eyes and His perspective.

How do we get to a point where we truly trust God with our lives and why is getting to this point so important?

It’s one thing to say we trust God, and it’s another thing to truly believe it and live like it. If we want to get to a place of true trust in God, we need to know His character. As I share in chapter ten of Surrender Your Story, we need to know who we are surrendering to in order to trust Him. We wouldn’t want to surrender to anyone, right? First, we must begin with an intimate knowledge of who our Savior is because when we know who He is, we are freed up to realize He is more than worthy to be trusted.

How does giving up your independence and leaning on God help you Thrive?

The world will tell you that you’re the creator of your own destiny. It’ll tell you that you don’t need anyone or anything to achieve the life you want. But if you’ve ever tried to live by those mantras, you’ve come to the same conclusion I have: We can’t “do it all.” We weren’t created to be independent from God, but to be dependent on God. We were designed to thrive best when we abide in the True Vine (John 15). No fruit or life can be grown when abiding in ourselves and our own strength. Giving up our independence does not mean ceasing to be responsible or hard working – rather, it means giving up the allusions (yes, it’s just that – an allusion) of control. It means finding strength in the fact that we can’t do it all, nor why would we want to when we have the Creator of the Universe who empowers us. So often we burn ourselves out because we operate out of self-sufficiency and independence, believing that it all depends on us. But there’s freedom and rest when we throw up our hands, release our death grip, and lean on Him.

Many are frustrated because they don’t know their reason for existing and don’t know how to lean on God or trust His will for their lives. Tell us about God’s will 101.

This is exactly why I wrote chapter six of Surrender Your Story, where I walk you through God’s will and how to make biblical decisions that honor Him! One of the biggest questions we’re faced with as Christians is that of God’s will – what is it? How do I find it? And what is God’s will for my own specific life, job, relationship, etcetera? Here’s the deal: God’s will is not hidden from us. We just have to put in the work to pursue it and discover it. Rest assured that God has not hidden what you need to know. There are two different types of God’s will – His hidden will and His revealed will. When we know both and how they work hand in hand, we can discover His purpose for our lives and how to trust Him with the twists and turns of our stories.

Tell us about secular manifestation and girl-bossing and how this hurts us as a society and as followers of Christ. And what is the antidote for a Christian Woman who seems to be attracted to the secular manifestation and girl-bossing?

The idea of manifestation and girl-bossing seems harmless, but it is seriously dangerous to our souls. I can’t tell you how many people, not to mention Christian individuals, I have seen swept up in this trend. It may seem like not that big of a deal – like what’s the harm in focusing on positive things and desiring those things to come to pass in our lives? Well, the problem is that it sets us up as our own god. It completely disregards God, His power, and His will. It positions us as lord over our lives, when there is only one Lord. Not only does manifestation open us up to forces against God, it deeply affects our relationship with God. To the one who follows God but also feels pulled to this secular belief, I would encourage you to remind yourself of the gospel – plain and simple. Ephesians 2 tells us that it is by grace we have been saved, and it is of no work of ourselves. That alone reminds us that we have no power to attract anything to us. That alone reminds us that we live under the grace and provision of God alone. God is in control, and we are not – and that’s actually beautiful news.

We live in a world where results are wanted at top speed. This can be seen even in the faith-based community. How does one slow down and walk with God, at His pace, instead of rushing ahead of Him?

Slowing down and walking with God at His pace instead of rushing ahead of Him is one of the hardest but most rewarding things we could do in this life. Culture says, “Why wait?” but God says, “Walk with Me.” When we rush ahead of God instead of asking Him what He wants us to do, we miss out on the beautiful story that He has for us. We miss out on the fruit and the sanctifying work He has for us in the waiting. Practically, walking at God’s pace looks like consulting Him in everything. It means cultivating a lifestyle of prayer and intercession and getting comfortable in the waiting seasons, trusting that He has purposed them.

What inspired you to write your book Surrender Your Story, and why do you feel now is the time to release this book?

Surrender Your Story was not only born from my own personal testimony but from a burning passion to reach a world with the freeing message of surrender and trust in Christ. We’re all running ourselves ragged and living frustrated with broken dreams and plans. But Jesus’ invitation in Luke 9:23 gives us more freedom and purpose than we could ever come up with on our own. Now is the time to release this book because our culture is saturated with messages of self. Now is the time because we’re all wondering what the point of life is and where our lives are headed. Now is the time.

You have a podcast called the Truth Talks with Tara. Tell us about this podcast and how it helps listeners.

Truth Talks with Tara is my baby! I’d love to have you join us every week anywhere you get podcasts. This show has one mission: to help listeners know, love, and live God’s Word. Truth Talks with Tara is all about Scripture breakdown, conversations on Christian topics and hot-button questions while featuring some amazing guests. If you want to go deeper with your faith and enjoy a light-hearted, spirited conversation, this is for you.

More about Tara Sun:

Through the Truth Talks with Tara podcast, her Instagram community, and other resources, Tara Sun passionately teaches women of all ages how to know, love, and live God’s Word for themselves. She shows how to break down God’s Word into understandable pieces, while also adding an artistic flare through her digital art. Tara is married to her high school sweetheart, Michael, and is a mom to their newest addition, Hunter. You’ll find them living and serving the Lord in Oregon. 

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Meet Neita Wilson the CEO and Founder of Celebrating You Ministries 

Neita Wilson is the CEO and Founder of Celebrating You Ministries. She is a clarity coach, mentor, servant leader, speaker and business consultant with more than 30 years of experience. She desires to transform lives and build self-awareness in others so that we can collectively be change agents in the world around us. Neita’s mission is to help corporate women of faith get unstuck from living defeated to embracing the abundant life that Jesus came to give. She does this by helping her clients identify what brings them joy, peace and contentment so that they can live a meaningful, purposeful life.

Through her company, Celebrating You, a personal growth and development company, Neita produces and presents employee recognition programs, career development, mentoring and coaching, and training new hires in customer service and soft skills. “In addition, our one-on-one private coaching programs aid faith-based corporate women in overcoming life, business, and relationship challenges.”

What is the story behind how Celebrating You began?

Celebrating You! was created to celebrate and affirm others. We started by sponsoring a radio program called the Set Apart Broadcast, with Linda Jones as the host. The broadcast is still on the air today! Our listeners would receive gifts for special occasions such as Easter, Christmas, Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, etc. At some point, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit. You see, I was celebrating everyone else but I was not celebrating or honoring myself in a healthy, balanced way. I had learnt the limiting belief that as long as my family was taken care of I was good. Well, that was far from the truth and the business began to evolve. I was my first client! I had a new belief! I can take care of my family and ME! I began envisioning the life and marriage that I desired and taking steps toward the desired outcome. The Bible tells us to write the vision and to make it plain. That is what I did, and now I have helped many women do the same in their lives and careers.

How does your brand impact the lives of women?

My brand gives women permission to dream again! Women who work with me live more meaningful, purposeful lives.

How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?

I was created for such a time as this! As women, we wear many hats, are everything to everybody, and lose ourselves in the process. God intended for us to live life abundantly amid the circumstances around us. I was created to help women shift from living defeated lives focused on making it through the day to dreaming a new dream and creating a vision that she is excited to run to!

What message do you want to relay to those you are called to serve and impact this season? 

I want to share with those I am called to serve that it is not too late for you to live the life you desire. I want you to know that it is time to focus on you! Focus on your wants and desires, and remember that you can still bloom wherever you are planted. Let me help you embrace the life of abundance that she came to give each of us.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

If you purchase a coaching session within 30 days of the issue of the magazine, you will receive a discount of $50 off the breakthrough session rate. “DM” me the statement “I am ready for my breakthrough,” and they will receive the code. Customers may visit for more information and to purchase a session.

How can readers contact you?

Readers may reach me on Instagram: neita.wilson_celebratingyou 



Contact phone number: 567-281-8771

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Dr. Sonia R. White On Faith, Giving Back, and The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Awards 

Dr. Sonia R. White is highly respected for her humanitarian efforts on a global scale and believes in giving back. The Air Force Veteran, Radiology Health Professional and expert, Sonia R. Enterprises, L.L.C., founder, 5x Best Selling author, and mother of 3, has made it her mission to help others by utilizing her platform, abilities, experiences, and faith. 

Dr. White’s accomplishments include the S.M.I.L.E. Foundation Inc., being Houston’s most prominent AmeriCorps presenter of the annual presidential awards, and her outreach initiative, The B.I.R.T.H. Project, “Bible Initiative Reaching The Homeless.”

Photography by I AM FLY, LLC

Dr. White tells me that she has always had a heart for service and has enjoyed helping others since she was a child. Growing up in Waco, TX, she always dreamed big and on a global scale. She has been driven by those dreams, her heart for service, her desire to help others, and her faith.

In 2019, Dr. White founded the S.M.I.L.E. Foundation Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit inspired by both tragedy and triumph. Her passion for helping young minority men derives from the overflowing empowerment platforms for young women. As a mother of twin boys, she wanted to create a platform to empower young men after losing her brother to gun violence at a young age. “Preserving our youth to enjoy a successful and productive future is essential,” she states.

“It’s disheartening to see young minority men die at young ages and be set up for the prison system. I hope to provide as many resources as possible for young men to thrive.”

The foundation also provides STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) education, financial literacy and more.

Recently, Dr. White hosted the third annual Presidential Lifetime Achievement Awards led by Americorps at Hotel Zaza Museum District. This event has become recognized as an immense honor and a highly anticipated annual event. Documented as the largest ceremony to date, the organizers recognized prestigious community service volunteers nationwide and it was a sold-out event with over 430 attendees.

Photo credit: I AM FLY, LLC

Donations from the Presidential Awards supported her foundation’s free Smart Men In Leadership Excellence (S.M.I.L.E) lunch and learn. The workshop sponsored ten young men ages 10-19 and granted them access to stock portfolios. Featured guest speakers included Dr. Mathew Knowles, City Council Elect Ivan Sanchez, community leader Pastor Jamail Johnson, and business expert Jerome D. Love. This year, Dr. White will create an intro radiology course for individuals seeking to enter the medical field and formulate partnerships with S.T.E.M. academies.

Dr. White also has an outreach program called The B.I.R.T.H. Project, The Bible Initiative Reaching The Homeless in Houston, Texas. This project is dedicated to reaching the homeless by giving them hope and inspiration through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Dr. White reveals that the B.I.R.T.H. Project had initially been on her mind for years, but she never carried it out. “I would always give money or food to the homeless. Some people did not want this. I had food thrown back at me by a homeless person, which hurt me deeply. She explains that because of this unpleasant experience, it took courage for her to reach out to the homeless again after a few years.

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Deuteronomy 3:16

More than anything, Dr. White wanted to give hope to those who had lost it. She started offering Bibles and inspirational books to the homeless in hopes they would be encouraged not to give up. If they desired more, she wanted them to know that their circumstances could change with God. As someone once homeless, Dr. White knows and understands the hope and strength the Bible provides to help overcome adversity.

In 2017, Dr. White received the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from former President Barack Obama. She gained notoriety for her outreach program, The B.I.R.T.H. Project, and has a Proclamation for this day from the Mayor of Houston, for its “Bible Initiative Reaching The Homeless”. Dr. White has always kept God first in her life, and He has been her foundation and rock. Dr. White graciously told me she wanted to share two Bible verses she meditates on that give her hope, courage and inspiration. Before she shares, she says, “The key to life for me has been keeping my Faith and Trust in Him always. I truly love giving back to others, it is a fulfillment in my soul.”

She then reads: Proverbs 11:25, A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. And Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Dr. White spends her life believing that a mustard seed of Faith is all that is required for God to create miracles. “Always preserve your Faith,” she advises. “Read the Bible; it is the Living Word and can assist and lead you when no one is there to support or be there for you. Maintain your integrity, create boundaries, and most of all, do what brings you joy.”

To learn more about Dr. White and her organizations, visit and

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